All I want for Christmas is abs that would make a cover model envious.
Frog Attack's Articles In Blogging
January 5, 2004 by Frog Attack
Just a quick bit of vitriol from me. you'd have to be blind not to notice the HUGE imbalance of right wingers VS left wingers on this site. I cannot really say why, but I do think in America right now there is a huge trend towards conservativism VS Progressivism. I like things to move forward. But I think, and observing people's behavior in just the service industry alone has lead me to believe this : people do not like change. Ever. They had to write a freaking cheesy self-help book "Who Mov...
December 13, 2003 by Frog Attack
14 December, 2003 (Sunday) 6:17am D ecided to take a new direction with some of my blogs. I will be unapologetic about this. I'm sitting here doing my "internet things" and I just had my breakfast --- which is nearly always the same thing --- a protein shake. I'm a big believer in it because it staves off hunger, gives you plenty of protein plus carbs from fat free milk. I supplement mine with a teaspoon each of GLUTAMINE powder and CREATINE powder. I was up this morn...
December 14, 2003 by Frog Attack
Bloggers on and other blogging communities flocked to their computers in droves to record their own personal sentiments regarding the capture of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. While many chose to interweave their stories with connections to the elections, praise of Bush, words of caution, etc... many simply pastes links to stories at other websites. I for one am very thankful that so many blogs were available to view, because the five hours I have spent watching CNN, B...
December 27, 2003 by Frog Attack
I've seen some other people post their opinions of things they would like to see on, so here are some of mine. *It doesn't seem fair that I get points for making a comment to a comment in my own article. *I noticed that there is now a way to chnage your name. (If there wasn't before.) THANK YOU! I was not happy being stuck with the moniker IWANTABS. What was I thinking? *Is there any way to make a list of favorite blogs? I know you can do a track article thingie but there d...
December 12, 2003 by Frog Attack
The blogger "IWantAbs" died today after being verbally assaulted over an article written about beloved actress Betty White. The article, which was written as a kind of "in-passing-stream-of-consciousness" shout-out to Miss White, seemed to be more detested than taken as a sort of amusement. Said one blogger "if people are going to write things on the internet, they better be true! I'm still angry after finding out Microsoft does not, indeed, donate 2 cents to the needy african chi...
December 4, 2003 by Frog Attack
I have been browsing the other BLOGS here at and I am not oblivious to the fact that a blog about health and fitness sticks out like a sore thumb. I am enjoying immensely all the other writers but I wonder why there are so many BLOGS that seem to be started up and then simply abandoned. Many have no entries at all. There is also the TECHIE factor. Many bloggers seem to be very well versed on computer programming and such. It is something I have always wanted to lea...