How The Hell Did This Happen?
Well. It's been over three weeks since I started this blog and I've GAINED fat. I'm up to 16.5% now. Holy cow. I only have one big bad problem and that is eating at night after dinner. Those cravings. Where the hell did they come from? I have never ever had this problem before. Now all of a sudden it is? Nothing I have tried has worked. But I am still determined to get my abs. If it takes three months so be it. This sucks big time. At the beginning of November I was SO CLOSE. Man. oh well. Gotta let that go. get it out of my mind and take this one day at a time.
You know, it's hard enough for me to forget about the bread and the cereal lurking, but my WIFE keeps buying doughnuts and reese's cups. Thanks so much for your support, hon.
But I have no one to blame really but myself, I know that. It's all up to me. I could lose weight on ANY diet plan if I would just stop eating at night. I will I will I will. man this is frustrating. No wonder people who get really big say they have such a hard time.
Hmmm. I can do this. I know I can. I will.