All I want for Christmas is abs that would make a cover model envious.
The Blogging Community Is Spared Another Slow News Day!
Published on December 14, 2003 By Frog Attack In Blogging
Bloggers on and other blogging communities flocked to their computers in droves to record their own personal sentiments regarding the capture of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

While many chose to interweave their stories with connections to the elections, praise of Bush, words of caution, etc... many simply pastes links to stories at other websites.

I for one am very thankful that so many blogs were available to view, because the five hours I have spent watching CNN, BBC,NBC,CBS and ABC just weren't enough. I am so glad they got Saddam so instead of another day of inane blogging we can all write about Saddam and how we finally nabbed him and the democrats are not going to win and Bush is a hero.

And now that Saddam is in custody, we may finally find
*Osama bin Laden
*Weapons of Mass Destruction
*The body of Jimmy Hoffa
*The part of Bush's brain that connects ideas to coherent speech

Now we have to decide what to do with Mr Hussein. Hey didn't we used to just put crazed dictators in exile? Like napoleon and Pol Pot? Let's put Saddam and Slobodon Milosovic on an island and have them battle in a reality show with such other infamous personalities like
*Oj Simpson
*Miss Cleo
*Captain Lou Albano
*Sporty Spice
*Heidi Fleiss
*Richard Bey
*kadeem hardison
*richard jewel
*gary condit
and hosted by jeff probst.

And let's hope our little show isn't pre-empted for hours of television news when they finally find osama.
on Dec 15, 2003
Well at least now you'll have something to blog about besides of poor ole Bette White Dying...Good Grief! GCJ