All I want for Christmas is abs that would make a cover model envious.
Just Some Random Notes from me On Thursday
Published on December 10, 2003 By Frog Attack In Politics

Okay. So this entry, or "article" is going to kind of take us around to all the random things I have been thinking

Well, I have a sort of "blogger's regret". I enjoy being here at JoeUser but I hate the moniker I've chosen.
Now that I am getting into the swing of this there are so many other things I'd like to write about beyond me
attaining a six pack. So that was a choice that was not well-thought out. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to
change my name. I've been to and I did not see any solutions there.
I did see a download of some type of corporate game where you start a business and take over the world. Looks maybe
interesting so I may look into that this weekend when I have time.

I've been very into listening to audiobooks on tape lately while I work out. SOme recent books have been John Adams,
Rich Dad, Poor Dad and most recently Suse Ormond's The Courage To Be Rich . I don't know --- I ran across
a blog article about rich people on Calor.JoeUser.Com that really paints a bleak
picture of wealthy Americans. But I would like to be wealthy. I'm planning for it. And I have a tendency to admire rich
people. Well, some rich people.

Oh and one thing about blogging --- it makes it very tempting to go into all sorts of details. Well, the company I work
for now is kind of "niche" retail sales but LOTS of people use it's services and perhaps it would be fun to kind of
make it a continuing theme to give the inside scoop on this business. From, you know, my point of view. But the problem
is, what happens if you give away too many details and all of a sudden somebody figures out who you are? I mean, it would
be nice to have a completely open and honest web log and some people do! But I just can't. I worry about losing the
element of anonymity. The other thing is I could tell you about my NICHE customers who sometimes need to have their
wittle hands held to get what they need. Sometimes it is too sad for words, really.

Yesterday my boss called in SICK, of course! And then BOTH of my cash registers broke and it took tech support
two hours to get there to help me and in the meantime it was on the verge of chaos but I guess we did pretty well.


I guess I'm doing pretty well on my diet, but not as well as I'd like. Well, like I always say, "today is a new day."

Found what I think is a hilarious web site. One of THE most entertaining things ever and better than anything on TV.
It's a bunch of cartoons at You might want to check
out the Strong Bad e-mails.

Been thinking about the upcoming elections. It's so difficult to get into politics. It's so dissillusioning. Everyone has
such strong opinions and I just want to say "I am only an ordinary person, this is just my opinion." You know? People get
so upset. I guess it would help if I sort of described my core beliefs. I take sort of a Libertarian view on things.
I think people SHOULD be generous but it probably shouldn't be REGULATED by the government. I believe in Gay Rights,
Womens Lib and Pro Choice. I used to believe in Animal Rights and the truth is deep down I probably still do, but I've
gotten lazy. That's the one thing about politics. You have to work so hard at it. You can't be lazy. I really really
dislike george w. bush and I guess the real reason is that he seems stupid. When he was campaigning he was always
saying dumb things and he has a very anti-intellectual air to him. I always disliked people like that in school. You
know who I mean, they are on Jaywalking all the time. "I'm stupid but it's cool to be stupid."
Then there is the cocaine, the DWI, the going AWOL from the ANG. He just does not impress me. I did vote for Gore but
then I felt bad because really it was a vote for the Democratic Candidate and not really Al Gore. I should have voted
for Ralph Nader, who really WAS cut from a different cloth. That's the trouble. We never have truly good candidates because
we are more concerned about WINNING that really having a good president. Like the Republicans could have chosen to go
With John McCain, a man who seems to me to have REAL integrity and a real vision, and even as evidenced by his hosting
SNL , a sense of humor.
When these democrats starting campaigning, it's sad I'm a dem and I KNOW Bush will get his party's nod so I CAN'T vote Republican
this time because I hate Bush. So I'm resigned to choosing between these guys. And you just get to hear snippets of
things--- at first I was going Gephardt,
but then I started reading cool stuff about Howard Dean . Then there was the
Time Magazine article on Wesley Clark . Well. I took an online quiz to determine
who the best candidate for me would be. because, you know it's easier to trust an online quiz than to actually keep up
with politics and make your own choices. And it matched me with DICK GEPHARDT. Not that it matters. I know I am just
going to vote for whoever gets the nomination. Unless it's John Kerry. Whew! That
guy gives me the heebie jeebies, he looks like a GHOUL. Poor Guy.

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