Right Wing JoeUsers --- attractiveness optional.
Just a quick bit of vitriol from me.
you'd have to be blind not to notice the HUGE imbalance of right wingers VS left wingers on this site. I cannot really say why, but I do think in America right now there is a huge trend towards conservativism VS Progressivism. I like things to move forward. But I think, and observing people's behavior in just the service industry alone has lead me to believe this : people do not like change. Ever. They had to write a freaking cheesy self-help book "Who Moved My Cheese" just to try and get people to see change as a good thing.
But I think most Americans are trying to find a way to cope with uncertain times. So they sort of cling to the tried and true. It's the very mindset of people who wanted to keep the status quo instead of instituting black suffrage, women;s suffrage, equal rights, gay marriage, etc.
Conservatives always (or almost always) deny that they would be the ones standing in the way of freedom and equal rights. But then one of them (Trent Lott) slips up and speaks his mind and you must remember that this man represents a LARGE MAJORITY of conservatives. It's just the way they think.
Anyway. For any frustrated progressives on this site, whenever you are confronted by a post or a reply from one of the many many conservative bill o'reilly worshippers on JoeUser.com, just do what I do. I have seen a lot of these people's pictures posted here and there, and they kind of remind me of that scene in Ghost World where Thora Birch and Scarlett Johansen are at that lame party with Steve Buschemi and the most attractive person there is David Cross, which is quite scary. It's a bunch of geeks and dorks.
I know it's superficial, but no more so than politics. Anyway. That's how I cope.