All I want for Christmas is abs that would make a cover model envious.
I'm Not "Into" It, But It Does Have It's Moments
Published on December 9, 2003 By Frog Attack In Pure Technology
I am not obsessed with the science fiction / techno world. I do not watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I do not play Dungeons & Dragons.
I do not actively listen to Bright Eyes Dashboard Confessional . I do not get into long arguments over whether Buck Rogers is a
distant relative to Han Solo. But there are times when I , a normal guy, must admit I love technology and even love the fictional elements it can
bring with it. So here goes, a few things that I love about this realm:

*The fight scene in the last Star Wars with Yoda.


*MP3s online

*accounting software


*that hot borg chick "why yes ma'am , you MAY assimilate me"

*The theme song to the twilight zone

*season one (ONLY) of the X-Files

*The Segway and That Other Wheelchair Gizmo

*Stephen Hawking's electro-voice


*internet shopping

*a dog collar that will tell you what the hell your dog is saying
but why is it always

"can I lick your ass?

picture frames that talk
and of course, my favorite techno-thing, a tie :
*watch that stores phone numbers
*santa that dances when you clap

on Dec 09, 2003
A bit of insight to a sci-fi female's mind:

Stephen Hawking's electro voice is sexy.

Email is nice, I don't have to walk to the post office. Unless I ordered new juicy bits for my computer, and then the walk to the po is SO exciting.

Internet shopping: same thing, except when the package arrives (woohoo!)

I met my husband on the internet.

I spend a LOT more time in front of my monitor than my tv, and I LIKE it.

My favourite part of the movie "The Jackal" is when he (Bruce Willis) orders the cannon (sexy Hawking voice).

I can openly say that Star Wars doesn't do it for me (anymore).

Photoshop, yum!

I am going to put Stephen Hawking's electro voice on my answering machine message and call myself. A lot.

My pet rat gets email. From other pet rats. In Stephen Hawking's electro voice.