All I want for Christmas is abs that would make a cover model envious.
Frog Attack's Articles » Page 3
December 16, 2003 by Frog Attack
I was browsing through the JoeUser blogs when I came upon THIS GEM by JillUser. It reminded me of my episode today at the Post Office. I had to go to our lovely local Post Office to mail some packages for work. Never fun, but I make the best of it. I'm not really DOING ANYTHING but waiting, and I'm getting paid for it. How can you go wrong? I pulled ticket #11 and they were on #80. --- No big deal I park myself in a comfortable postion and patiently await my turn. People have boxes eve...
December 16, 2003 by Frog Attack
I don't really have any great advice about this but I wanted to vent and rant and maybe you'll know where I am coming from. We know that 2 out of 3 Americans are overweght. A lot of us are trying to diet. Some need to diet. These are the 200-300 pound people who have no knowledge about calories or food and they are going to DIE unless they lose some weight. Really, I shouldn't say "diet". What we should all be striving for is to eat healthier. In other words, change our diet. Diet used as a ...
December 15, 2003 by Frog Attack
December 16,2003 (Tuesday) 5:35am S omething is not right with my life --- I'm sitting here after finishing my workout. My Legs are sore from the workout on Saturday. I guess my biggest hang-up right now is how really close I was to achieving my goal before and now it all seems so far away. And I have nobody to blame but myself. So I trudged through my weight-lifting and cycling this morning. I ate so well all day yesterday and then screwed up by having four bowls of cereal late la...
December 14, 2003 by Frog Attack
I know. There are lots of cool games and lots of cool people playing them. But I can't seem to find any of these games and every hard core gamer I know bears more than a passing resemblance to either Beaker or Bunson of muppet fame. I did once have a Nintendo many many years ago. I think I had maybe four games, five if you count the one that came with it. You know, the one that had Super Mario, Duck Hunt, and that crazy Olympic Game for your Power Pad which was always a blast when you just c...
December 14, 2003 by Frog Attack
Due to my time difference with most people in the States and when TV airs and such --- I don't know WHEN we are going to find out but for us the last episode of SURVIVOR airs tonight. My bet is that it comes down between sandra and darrah as the final two and everyone votes for darrah to win. I would have never thought that redneck-talking girl would win but she seems the most likely choice. THIS SEASON'S SURVIVOR GOOD THINGS: *John lying about his Grandmother. devious but oh-o-entertainin...
December 14, 2003 by Frog Attack
Bloggers on and other blogging communities flocked to their computers in droves to record their own personal sentiments regarding the capture of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. While many chose to interweave their stories with connections to the elections, praise of Bush, words of caution, etc... many simply pastes links to stories at other websites. I for one am very thankful that so many blogs were available to view, because the five hours I have spent watching CNN, B...
December 13, 2003 by Frog Attack
This is a subject I have wanted to broach ever since I started this blog. As evidenced by some of my previous blogs, I am not averse to discussing topics that may seem unseemly for a straight man. Designer clothes. Houses inspired by Japan. Etc. Can I identify who made your high heels? No. I do know they go well with that dress ( kind of gay) and they make me want to fondle your calves (not so gay... unless you are a man in which case, yes, fondling your calves would be kind of gay.) I di...
December 13, 2003 by Frog Attack
I decided to tentatively start off a blog series based on a book I bought many years ago entitled The Conversation Piece It is a neat little book, designed to give a person some ideas of things to talk about in gatherings or at home or whenever you might want to have an interesting conversation. There are 320 Questions in the book, so I chose a number at random - If you were sent on assignment to rate the top ten best small towns in America, what particular criterion would be most impor...
December 13, 2003 by Frog Attack
14 December, 2003 (Sunday) 6:17am D ecided to take a new direction with some of my blogs. I will be unapologetic about this. I'm sitting here doing my "internet things" and I just had my breakfast --- which is nearly always the same thing --- a protein shake. I'm a big believer in it because it staves off hunger, gives you plenty of protein plus carbs from fat free milk. I supplement mine with a teaspoon each of GLUTAMINE powder and CREATINE powder. I was up this morn...
December 12, 2003 by Frog Attack
The blogger "IWantAbs" died today after being verbally assaulted over an article written about beloved actress Betty White. The article, which was written as a kind of "in-passing-stream-of-consciousness" shout-out to Miss White, seemed to be more detested than taken as a sort of amusement. Said one blogger "if people are going to write things on the internet, they better be true! I'm still angry after finding out Microsoft does not, indeed, donate 2 cents to the needy african chi...
December 12, 2003 by Frog Attack
So my friends, I am trying to lose about 18 pounds. But that's just an estimate. Because it's really more about the body fat percentage for me, as dictated by my TANITA SCALE, which acurrate or no, will at least show what direction you are heading in. I am TRYING to do this through means of eating healthy. The diet is 5 days of low carb, low fat, one day of moderate carb low fat and one pure cheat day a week. calories on 5 days a week are 2000. calories on moderate carb day are about 2300 c...
December 12, 2003 by Frog Attack
I should come clean right now. Betty White, to my knowledge, is not dead. It's just that I was thinking how much I am going to miss her when she is gone. I was watching a truly wretched little film called "Bringing Down The House" and she is in it. I want her to live forever, like bathroom mold. Guess what else? I've already finished this entry once (almost) and then I swiped some random key and POOF! my entry was gone. That happens when I am typing my HOTMAIL too sometimes. So now I have to...
December 10, 2003 by Frog Attack
Okay. So this entry, or "article" is going to kind of take us around to all the random things I have been thinking of. Well, I have a sort of "blogger's regret". I enjoy being here at JoeUser but I hate the moniker I've chosen. Now that I am getting into the swing of this there are so many other things I'd like to write about beyond me attaining a six pack. So that was a choice that was not well-thought out. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to change my name. I've been to ...
December 9, 2003 by Frog Attack
For somebody like me, the land of Joe User is nothing short of awesome. Literally. AWE some. I know that techno-type people have come to the point to where they take their knowledge for granted and they are either indifferent to the painfully ignorant, or worse, they act incredulous that people do not know what they know. Thankfully, the people on Joe User do not seem to fall into either category and that is one reason I am happy I decided to set up a blog here. (READ : I need help and I think t...
December 9, 2003 by Frog Attack
I am not obsessed with the science fiction / techno world. I do not watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I do not play Dungeons & Dragons. I do not actively listen to Bright Eyes Dashboard Confessional . I do not get into long arguments over whether Buck Rogers is a distant relative to Han Solo. But there are times when I , a normal guy, must admit I love technology and even love the fictional elements it can bring with it. So here goes, a few things that I love about this realm: *...